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Morula marginalba

Mulberry Whelk

Felicia Manning (2014)



Fact Sheet



Physical Description


Life History & Behaviour

Anatomy & Physiology

Evolution & Systematics

Biogeographic Distribution

Conservation & Threats

References & Links


The snail is mostly found on the eastern coast of Australia (Figure 3). It is found on the rocky and intertidal shore usually near the animals on which it preys on, like limpets and barnacles. Also it is common in estuaries because it preys on oysters. (Davey 2000) In some parts of Australia the Mulberry Whelk is considered a pest to Oyster farmers. The adults can be seen on rocks and in rock crevices and juveniles can be found under rock debris. (Davey 2000) They are absent from most rocky shores that have intense wave action. The snails become dislodged from the rocky substrate. (Moran 1985) They can be found clumped together in groups. Sometimes the clumping isn’t due to the need to breed, eat, or for protection. The clumping is positively related to the density of snails that aren’t feeding. (Moran 1985) The snails are normally found at a low shore level. The snails like to stay at the lowest shore level possible where prey is abundant. (Moran 1985)

Figure 3. The blue dots show where abundance of Mulberry Whelks can be found. (Atlas of Living Australia 2014)

Figure 4. The different colors of the Mulberry Whelk that can be seen.

